Olio Extra Vergine di OlivaItalia

Olive types: Moraiolo, leccino, frantoio

Production area: Colli Fiorentini

Soil Composition: Alberese

Harvest: November

Farming system: Vase bushy, pot polyconic

Extraction: mechanical mill


Acidity: < 0,8 % (expressed as oleic acid)

Fruity: Oil bitter, with notes of fresh almonds

Pungent: Average intensity


Calories: 9 calories per gram of oil (37 Kj per gram of oil)

Cholesterol: Absent

Vitamin E: 0,2 – 0,3 mg. per gram of oil

Total fat: Approximately 0.98 grams per gram of oil, of which Saturated Fat: 10-15% – Monounsaturated Fat: 70- 80% – Polyunsaturated Fat: 5-8%

Bottle Formats: LT 0,25 , LT 0,50 , LT 1 , LT 3

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